Saturday, September 11, 2010

Health Benefits of Quercetin from Apples and Onions

Apples and onions contain large amounts of a flavonoid called quercetin. This compound is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to have a number of health benefits. Quercetin may not be as sexy to talk about as another powerful flavonoid, resveratrol in grape wine. Nonetheless, you can enjoy a number of important health benefits from quercetin by eating apples and onions.

Health Benefits
A number of studies suggest that quercetin from apples and onions may boost antioxidant activity and provide the following health benefits:
  • Protect the heart and blood vessels by reducing clotting risk
  • Decrease blood glucose levels
  • Protect pancreatic cells from oxidative damage
  • Fight cancer
  • Prevent cataracts
  • Prevent inflammation
  • Fight viral and bacterial infections

Increase your dietary intake of quercetin by eating apples and onions often. 
